A printer that sets itself apart from the crowd, made for pure design, uncompromisingly quick. For printing that makes an impact starting with the very first label!
With its integrated MemjetTM thermal inkjet technology, the VP700 can print at an incredible speed of 18 m/min.
It prints texts, barcodes and graphic elements in vivid colour, all at a resolution of 1600 x 1600dpi.
The VP700 printer generates the required number of labels ON-DEMAND and is still able to observe any last-minute changes in label design. It provides unprecedented printing speed, flexibility and accessibility.
With its robust construction, it can print labels from roll to roll (external winder). In cutting mode, individual labels are continuously cut as they come out or are left in the print & hold mode. The user-friendliness regarding loading rolls and the extremely easy replacement of colour cartridges avoid any cost-intensive set-up times.
For existing applications, there are not only savings with this colour label printer in terms of time, inventory holding, etc., but also entirely new applications and labelling options, such as printing energy labels (EE labels), personalised marketing campaigns, GHS labels, and proto-type or product identification labels with a changing or varied colour design.
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