Die guten Freunde Ihres Druckers
Our history - the future in focus for over 25 years

Company's History

The future in focus since 1993

A lot has happened since TOKO was founded in 1993 - but one thing has remained the same:

Labels are our passion.


Initially, TOKO traded in labels as well as labeling and printing systems. Today we have decades of expertise in the production of labels and also offer a wide range of other products and services.

Take a look at the history of our company from the beginning until today:


  • Foundation of TOKO Etikettier- und Drucksysteme by Tobias Koenders in Mossautal
  • Sales, Service and Support for labeling and printing systems
  • Successive expansion of the product range to software for label design and supplies such as adhesive labels, thermal transfer foils and packaging material


  • Investment and installation of a punching and printing machine for the production of 1-color printed adhesive labels


  • Investment and installation of a second punching and printing machine for the production of 2-color printed adhesive labels


  • Completion and occupation of the new office space in the company's own building in Güttersbach


  • Completion and occupation of the new production and storage areas
  • Investment and installation of a punching and printing machine for the production of 6-color labels


  • Expansion of the production and storage space rented in 2003
  • Establishment of the first two apprenticeships, for the areas of office management and industrial clerk


  • Investment and installation in a punching machine for blank labels, for the production of roll, fanfold and sheet labels



  • First trade fair appearance at LogiMAT


  • Investment and installation of a refinement and packaging machine with label dispensing units for sheet labels


  • Completion and move into new office, production and storage space in the company's own building in Erbach
  • Investment and installation of two punching and printing machines for the production of 8-color and 6-color labels


  • Investment and installation of a fully automatic packaging machine for fanfold labels
  • Investment and installation of a fully automatic small roll winder


  • Investment and installation of a first digital multi-color printing system for short runs



  • Expansion of the new production and storage areas in 2012


  • 25th company anniversary


  • Energy advice according to DIN EN 16247-1 energy audit


  • Expansion of the storage space, which was already enlarged in 2017
  • Investment and installation of a fully automatic machine for the production of sheet labels such as laser sheets, inkjet sheets, etc.
TOKO flammendes Herz und Leitspruch